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Quick guide to facebook advertising

Estate agents don’t just face the challenge of letting or selling houses, but they also need to distinguish themselves from their competitors as they try to attract new landlords and house sellers. Facebook advertising adds another platform through which they can get these customers to sign on the dotted line.

It goes without saying that estate agents are already great marketers - they know they need to produce high-quality listings and property details and offer impeccable customer service. Utilising online property sites, advertising in the local paper and leafleting are all integral parts of their marketing campaigns. When you add social media marketing into the mix, it can give clients exactly what they want, providing them with the whole package.

Here are some tips as to how Facebook advertising can help any estate agency:

Using key demographics

Facebook advertising allows you to target an audience that you feel meets the demographics of your customer base. Using gender, age, location, interests, family size and age, and marital status, an ad can be targeted at those who are most likely to want to use your services. For example, you may want to target over 55s looking to downsize their home, a single person aged 30+ or families with children under the age of 5.

Gathering email addresses through educational tools

To boost your email campaigns and to gather more email addresses, you can encourage Facebook users to download guides on your website; e.g. “How to Sell Your Home”. This provides them with educational tools that they can use but also showcases your knowledge and expertise as an estate agent. If they want to download the guide, they have to enter their email address. This also allows you to continue your marketing efforts, and you’ll know what guide they’ve downloaded - for example whether they’re looking to buy / rent, or they’re looking to sell / lease.

Testing copy and images

One great thing about Facebook advertising is that you can carry out some A/B tests without spending a fortune. You can edit your adverts at any time, so you may try a few different pieces of copy and images to see which works best, switching off those that aren’t working effectively. You can also place these adverts in front of different audiences to see which works best for a particular demographic.
Targeting those who’ve already visited your site

You can also set your adverts to appear in front of people who have already visited your website or who have visited a specific page. Known as retargeting, this enables you to keep your brand name at the forefront of their mind as they continue to research house prices.

Placing adverts in front of “lookalikes”

Facebook also offer a “lookalike” option, which will use your current email database to find people on Facebook who meet the same characteristics. This then enables you to target people that you know are more likely to be interested in your services.


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