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Ten tips for a brilliant company Facebook page

There are 33 million Facebook accounts in the UK and 24 million of those people log in every day. It’s a marketing channel like no other. Here are ten tips to get the most from your Facebook presence and get those Shares, Likes and Comments flooding in.

1. Quality not quantity
It’s not about the number of followers you have. After all, many of these are no doubt non-human robots. So look to build engagement with real people who can deliver real results.

Similarly, don’t bombard your followers with your usual property marketing material. It’s not what they‘re on Facebook for - they want something personal, interesting and topical.

2. People follow helpful content
Facebook users will follow content that is insightful and clearly aimed at helping them. When you’re considering posting content, ask yourself whether your followers would be interested in it. If not, don’t post it.

Spark people’s interest by running competitions, opinion polls and offers. You should be looking at a balance of about 80% content that you source elsewhere and curate, and 20% content that you originate.

3. It’s a network - so network
Make sure that you are reaching out to local organisations such as businesses, schools, colleges, charities and sports clubs by following them and liking their posts. It puts your business firmly into that community space and positions you as a trusted “go to” brand when people need property advice. In return, they’ll follow you, to find out what’s going on in the property market.

4. Post regularly
To build loyalty, you need to post a couple of times a day because that’s how frequently people are checking their feeds.

5. Know newsfeed times
Comments, shares, likes and click-throughs appear to be easier to get at certain times of the day. (This has been worked out despite Newsfeed’s impenetrable timing algorithm).
12-3 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is reckoned to get the best results for Facebook posts. On Saturday and Sunday it’s 12-1 - have a go and see whether you think there’s a difference.

6. Be visual
Pictures grab people’s attention - even if it’s only the sunrise as seen from your office! When you’re sharing video, it’s better not to share from YouTube - upload it in “native” video format. Facebook loves “Live” video and will promote it, increasing your reach.

7. Include calls to action that are original
The dreaded “click here for more info” isn’t going to make anyone very excited - how about getting people to click through by offering them something?

8. People love infographics
Remember that infographics can be made interactive too. does map views of sold house prices that are great for engaging followers in your locality, especially if accompanied by some informative posts.

9. It’s always new to someone…
Don’t worry about going back to topics you’ve covered before. For example, “Ten top tips for selling your home” is always going to interest someone thinking of putting their property on the market. So don’t worry about replacing this with “Ten handy hints for a fast house sale” - it will still get read, followed and liked, if the advice is good.

You can also pin your most read posts to the top of your page to get the attention of new visitors.

10. Monitor and manage
Facebook’s Page Insights should become your new favourite reading - this will tell you what’s working and what isn’t.

Source: Nethouseprices, 17/10/17

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